I love teaching. I have taught at all university levels from freshman introductory physics, to freshman courses for non-science majors, to advanced undergraduate and graduate courses. I collaborate with my colleagues in the science education research community to improve my teaching and have conducted research in space science education. I have earned several teaching awards from Florida Tech, UCLA and UM and was rated as a Top 10 Professor by the Associated Students of UCLA.
I developed the first course on Space Weather for non-science majors and wrote the textbook, Introduction to Space Weather (Cambridge University Press).
“Highly Recommended” by ALA Choice
(Faculty Colleagues: request an examination copy from Cambridge)

Note 2nd Edition out in November 2022 with US publication date of January 2023
New Chinese Language 1st Edition

Editorial Reviews
‘Professor Moldwin lays out the complex topic of space weather in a clear and comprehensive way, with a masterful educational touch that keeps the reader engaged in every chapter. The second edition of this foundational book comes at the perfect time, as the space economy is rapidly expanding and the topic of space weather becomes more pertinent than ever before.’ Jacob Bortnik, University of California, Los Angeles
‘From solar explosions to their impact on society, this wonderful text uses understandable prose to introduce students with widely different backgrounds to the physics of the local universe and to how the ever-changing connections between Sun and Earth affect society. For the second edition, the diverse supplemental material – ranging from how science works to the foundations of physics – has been expanded, while a newly developed companion webpage leads to beautiful images, illustrative videos, and ready-to-use lecture slide sets.’ Karel Schrijver, Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Center
‘A very fine introduction to the science and applications of the broad topic of solar–terrestrial physics (space weather) by Professor Moldwin, an eminent scholar who has personally contributed substantially to the field. In this substantially revised edition, the clever division of each chapter into descriptive and more quantitative portions will make this volume the preeminent academic introduction to the subject.’ Louis J. Lanzerotti, New Jersey Institute of Technology
‘We have used the first edition of An Introduction to Space Weather for several years in Penn State’s cross-listed ‘Space Weather’ course; it reaches our students well, regardless of their diverse backgrounds. This new edition brings welcome updates (including a brand new chapter on forecasting, educational and other supplementary content toward the end of each section, as well as a companion website) while remaining concise and affordable.’ Timothy Kane, The Pennsylvania State University
‘I have used Professor Moldwin’s book in Embry–Riddle’s second-year undergraduate class ‘Introduction to Space Weather’. Professor Moldwin’s book has worked as a great and highly motivating introductory text for important space weather phenomena. It has been developed with pedagogy and student learning in mind. The book is well written, clear, and captivating. The freshmen students liked the conceptual nature of the text, so the content was easy to grasp with only some introductory physics/math background. I plan on continuing to use this book when teaching this class next time.’ Heidi Nykyri, Embry–Riddle Aeronautical University
UM Courses Taught
Fall 2023: Space 103 Intro to Space Weather and SPACE501 Space Seminar
Winter 2023: Space471 Space Instrumentation and SPACE501 Space Seminar
Fall 2022: Space 103 Intro to Space Weather and SPACE501 Space Seminar
Winter 2022: SPACE471 Space Instrumentation and UARTS 250 Creative Process
Fall 2021: CLIMATE/SPACE747 CLASP Seminar and SPACE501 Space Seminar
Winter 2021: SPACE471 Space Instrumentation and UARTS 250 Creative Process
Fall 2020: CLIMATE320 Earth and Space System Science
Winter 2020: UARTS 250 Creative Process
Fall 2019: Sabbatical at the University of Bergen, Norway
Winter 2019: SPACE 405 Observational Techniques and UARTS 250 Creative Process
Fall 2018: SPACE103 Introduction to Space Weather
Winter 2018: SPACE 405 Observational Techniques and UARTS 250 Creative Process
Fall 2017: SPACE103 Introduction to Space Weather
Winter 2017: SPACE 101 Introduction to Rocket Science and Engineering
Fall 2016: SPACE103 Introduction to Space Weather and CLIMATE110 The Collapse of Western Civilization
Winter 2016: SPACE 101 Introduction to Rocket Science and Engineering
Fall 2015: SPACE103 Introduction to Space Weather and CLIMATE110 The Collapse of Western Civilization
Winter 2015: AOSS 101 Introduction to Rocket Science and Engineering
Fall 2014: AOSS 103 Introduction to Space Weather (new course)
Winter 2014: AOSS 101 Introduction to Rocket Science and Engineering
Fall 2013: AOSS 370 Introduction to Solar-Terrestrial Physics
Winter 2013: AOSS 101 Introduction to Rocket Science and Engineering
Fall 2012: AOSS 477 Space Weather Modeling
Winter 2012: AOSS 101 Introduction to Rocket Science and Engineering
Fall 2011: AOSS 574 Physics of the Space Environment
Winter 2011: AOSS 101 Introduction to Rocket Science and the Space Environment
Fall 2010: AOSS 605 Planetary Electrodynamics
Winter 2010: AOSS 477 Space Weather Modeling
Previous UCLA and Florida Tech Courses Taught
(FIT) Physics 1, Physics 2, Thermodynamics, Atmospheric Physics, Space Physics, Plasma Physics, Observational Techniques in Space Physics, Planetary Atmospheres, Whole Earth Course, Satellite Design, Critical Thinking, (UCLA) ESS 200C Space Plasmas, Fiat Lux Seminar: Space Weather, Honor Collegium: The Perils of Space: Intro to Space Weather, Fiat Lux Seminar: ESS 19 The past, present and future of human space exploration, ESS 265 Instrumentation, Data Processing, and Data Analysis in Space Physics, ESS 240 Space Plasma Physics, ESS 219 Planetary and Orbital Dynamics, ESS 7 The Perils of Space: An Introduction to Space Weather, General Education 70: The Origin and Evolution of the Cosmos, Earth and Life, ESS 19 The Physics of Toys, ESS 19 The End of Modern Civilization: Problems and Solutions, ESS 261 Ionospheric Physics
NASA LWS Heliophysics Summer School 2007
(Lead author of Chapter on magnetic structures)

Teaching and Mentoring Awards
1998 – Florida Tech Faculty Excellence Award for Teaching
2006 – Associated Students of UCLA Top Ten Professor
2007 – UCLA Motor Board Senior Honor Society “Tip of the Hat” Award
2009 – UCLA Academic Senate Distinguished Teaching Award
2009 – UCLA Fiat Lux Seminar Faculty Recognition Award
2014 – UM Provost’s Teaching Innovation Prize
2017 – UM College of Engineering John F. Ullrich Education Excellence Award
2017 – named UM Arthur F. Thurnau Professor
Articles, Interviews and News about Teaching
2009 UCLA Today Article on Teaching Award
2014 UM Record Article on TIP Award
2015 UM CRLT Video on TIP Dorm Room Labs
2016 AGU Waldo E. Smith Union Award
2017 UM Arthur F. Thurnau Professorship / 2017 CoE Story on Thurnau Professorship